Variable cHeaderConst

cHeader: "\nimport { types as t, struct, member, sizeof } from 'utilium';\n\ntype int8 = number;\ntype uint8 = number;\ntype int16 = number;\ntype uint16 = number;\ntype int32 = number;\ntype uint32 = number;\ntype int64 = bigint;\ntype uint64 = bigint;\ntype int128 = bigint;\ntype uint128 = bigint;\ntype float32 = number;\ntype float64 = number;\ntype float128 = number;\n\ntype bool = boolean | number;\ntype Ref<T> = bigint & { __ref__?: T };\ntype ConstArray<T, L extends number> = Array<T> & { length: L } & Ref<T>;\n\ndeclare function $__assert(condition: boolean, message?: Ref<int8>): void;\ndeclare function $__ref<T>(value: T): Ref<T>;\ndeclare function $__deref<T>(value: Ref<T>): T;\ndeclare function $__array<T>(start: Ref<T>, i: bigint): T | undefined;\ndeclare function $__array<T>(start: Ref<T>, i: bigint, value?: T): void;\ndeclare function $__str(value: string): Ref<int8>;\ndeclare function $__allocConstArray<T, L extends number>(length: L, ...init: T[]): ConstArray<T, L>;\n\ndeclare let __func__: string | undefined;\n" = ...

Boilerplate to make stuff with C work


Pointer to T. Note __ref__ doesn't actually exist and is only here to keep TS types when passing it around

ConstArray<T, L>

Constant array T[L].

$__ref<T>(value: T): Ref<T>;

Equivalent to C &value

$__deref<T>(value: Ref<T>): T;

Equivalent to C (*value)

$__deref_set<T>(left: Ref<T>, right: Ref<T> | T): void;

Equivalent to C (*value) = ...

$__array<T>(start: Ref<T>, i: bigint): T;

Access an element of an array, but using the pointer type (e.g. accessing x[0] where x is char*)

$__array<T>(start: Ref<T>, i: bigint, value?: T): void;

Set an element of an array, but using the pointer type (e.g. x[0] = ... where x is char*)

$__str(value: string): Ref<int8>;

Converts a JS string literal into a char*/Ref<int8>

$__allocConstArray<T, L extends number>(length: L, ...init: T[]): ConstArray<T, L>;

Allocates an array of length L with elements of type T. Takes in optional initializers