Interface DeclType<T>

interface DeclType<
    T extends "Enum"
    | "Record"
    | "Typedef" = "Enum" | "Record" | "Typedef",
> {
    decl: SubDecl & { kind: `${T}Decl` };
    id: string;
    inner?: Node[];
    kind: `${T}Type`;
    name?: string;
    range?: { begin: clang.Location; end: clang.Location };
    type: {
        desugaredQualType?: string;
        qualType: string;
        typeAliasDeclId?: string;

Type Parameters

  • T extends "Enum" | "Record" | "Typedef" = "Enum" | "Record" | "Typedef"

Hierarchy (View Summary)


decl: SubDecl & { kind: `${T}Decl` }
id: string

Hexadecimal ID for the node, e.g. "0x..."

inner?: Node[]
kind: `${T}Type`

The kind of the node

name?: string
range?: { begin: clang.Location; end: clang.Location }
type: { desugaredQualType?: string; qualType: string; typeAliasDeclId?: string }